Originally Posted by razor02097
Thanks for the reply
I was hoping to avoid driving the route for a full tank because of the error factor. I would have to drive the new route for several tanks to get the average which could take a long time and potentially waste fuel if it isn't "worth it"
I've read some of the MPGuino information and it seems like a cool gadget. However I have made a strict rule (to myself) that any eco mods I do would need to be justified by a ROI. For example currently if my vacuum gauge (driver mod) continues to net me +3 MPG it would take about 7 fill ups (about 2 months) to pay for itself. I know nothing ventured nothing gained but being broke sucks.
I paid $70 for my ultragauge and have already seen a full ROI. The problem with a vacuum gauge is its instant feedback. what we do with the gauges scangauge, ultragauge, mpguino is play a game where your avg fuel economy is your score and always trying to get the high score by keeping your foot off the pedal. It gets quite fun trying to beat your previous tanks. Scangauge and ultragauge are obdII though