On my SGII / Civic I typically get about 55 MPG in the summer regardless of the route (<65mph intra-city routes that is) so I always choose a shorter route to get lowest number of gallons per trip.
BUT this is a skill I've honed with the SGII and I'm doing advanced hypermiling, DWB and extensive EOC, in a manual tranny. Without those techniques it's possible for a shorter city route to yield higher total gallons, although even being minimalistic, DWB and engine-off at lights, mpg shouldn't be too different between city and highway. Neutral-gliding or P&G on downhill also neutralizes the effect of the hill, even without EOC.
Hills and lights are mostly non-issues for me unless there is some loss that can't be avoided, i.e. downgrade too steep or a stoplight at the bottom of a hill or a downhill freeway off-ramp, requiring brakes or engine braking, etc. Even then it sometimes just averages out.
Eco-driving can be done wrong though. Owning a gauge is money.