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Old 01-14-2013, 09:26 PM   #25 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Jessica's - '04 Toyota Matrix
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Ninjette - '01 Kawasaki Ninja EX250R
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Originally Posted by cujet View Post
I see your accurate points. But I can't get onboard with your philosophy. In fact, I'd like to go faster! While doing so efficiently.

Klaus Savier, in his Rutan designed Canard Pusher aircraft, managed to get 45 mpg while traveling 207 mph! It's possible to have both speed and economy!

Airliners often achieve over 70 passenger miles per gallon. All while going over 500 miles per hour!
When personal autos have a co-efficient of drag similar to the most efficient aircraft (0.016, vs 0.35 for a typical modern car - 20 times as much!) then we can speed without getting terrible fuel mileage.

It will still increase the chances of dying in a fiery car crash, though. How many dollars an hour does that translate to?

Originally Posted by Piwoslaw View Post
A few months ago I returned home just as my neighbor pulled into his driveway. It was cold (around freezing) with some rain and sleet, and he yells to me: You rode your bike? In this weather?!?

So the other day we both returned home at the same time again, only now the weather is warm, sunny, with no wind. And I yell to him: You took the car? In this weather?!?
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