Originally Posted by TheIVJackal
If they are 10-20% less energy, what does that look like MPG wise?
- Aaron
The eco purpose of reducing power draw, IMHO, is to extend battery cycling life with repeated engine-off use, and/or reduce the likelihood of accidentally draining it beyond restartability. EDIT: or get ready for an alternator delete.
Actually in my case the Civic is having 'smart' alternator issues and I was hoping to forestall a real repair. So far that hasn't been working out for me.
Assuming 37kWhr/gal for gasoline: (EDITED)
'Eco' bulbs: reduction of 20W/15%(efficiency)/37,000Whr/gal = 0.015 gal/hr
HID (hypothetically): reduction of 0.03 gal/hr