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Old 01-16-2013, 11:45 PM   #61 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by niky View Post
Move to America where service crew at McD's make three times as much as I do at my white collar job, ... (Remember, my take home is less than a thousand dollars a month... for a job which is worth $10k a month back there. That's why I have more than one job and source of income)
The service employees at McD's make minimum wage at best, which in even the most "progressive" states is less than $7 per hour. From that is deducted social security and other taxes - meaning their take home pay is less than whatever they earn at that minimal hourly wage. So do the math: if you are making $3000 per month (or, as you say it is even somewhat less) that is much more than the counter staff at McD's makes - and not remotely comparable to it.

So it is highly improbable that as you believe, in America the "service crew at McD's make three times as much as I do at my white collar job".

America may seem like paradise in comparison to your country, but it is often said that "the grass appears to be greener on the other side".

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