I went with Mobil 1 0w-20 AFE Synthetic, mainly because it was on sale for 5.99 ($2 cheaper), and a wix filter. I bought 6 quarts in case I start burning the lighter weight. Total was around $46 so it isn't like I really stole anything. I'll see how it works out. I plan on changing it tonight. I enjoy changing my oil haha.. It's probably the easiest maintenance I know of..
And I don't shop at Walmart. I hate the corporation and aside from that I have read things about their oil being different with the same name brand slapped on it like Mobil 1.. No evidence to that, just another reason to forget about that abomination. Haha
I've read bad things about Mobil 1 also, but I am not about to spend $10 a quart on something like Amsoil quite yet..