Originally Posted by Sven7
Haha, am I the only one on here that tends to treat empty roundabouts like autocross courses? Outside, heavy on the brakes, downshift, turn in late and gas it like no tomorrow...
There's a highway near me that has several roundabouts in a row, each connected by a quarter mile or so of straight road. I end up jetting through the corners and coasting in between. Figure it probably evens out.
Only ever met one other hypermiler on the road, and the Probe wasn't really even modded much (comparatively) at that point.
Nope I do too ! I love turning aggressively especially ramps etc., and if you coast enough before the turn you don't have to brake at all , and you can accel/coast throughout the turn accordingly.
The best is when you coast enough for the turn you have some typical impatient driver already on your butt who is getting off the ramp behind you also and then they do the typical braking pre turn and you just keep going and eventually gain 3-4 even 5 car lengths throughout the turn.