Originally Posted by Sven7
Figure out a way to quickly detach them from the doors whenever necessary. I'm thinking brackets and wing nuts. Or maybe make each half into two parts and fold them over each other like a cardboard box.
Make them as big as possible and remember to put a wide radius on that top corner, especially with a van.
I have been stewing on this for a while, as I want to be able to open my bed topper with my soon-to-be Kammback. So, one of my ideas was mounting brackets to the topper, and mounting hinges to them and the Kammback so I could open it. I don't think I'm going to do that, as I've since mulled over attaching the whole thing to the topper door, but it might give you an idea.
Or, perhaps you could leave a seam in the middle where the doors open, and bolt each half to each door...
-->To quote MetroMPG "I've spent a silly amount of time staring at the back of the truck." (used truck instead of car)