Originally Posted by freebeard
Minimum wage in Oregon is $8.95
And it can hardly be considered a progressive state (exception: Ron Wyden - D). The bottle bill was decades ago, and we're sandwiched between Washington and Colorado (cough).
Bwahahahah! I just fell off my chair laughing! Surely, you must be joking.
Oh, man - the working poor are going to get rich on this one - even if I might have been off by a dollar or two at most. I stand corrected. There is always some most "progressive" state that will throw pennies at the poor and claim that is helping them. Just as John D. Rockefeller, then the multi-millionaire richest man in America used to hand out shiny new dimes, during the great depression, wowing the destitute.
Find me a more "progressive" state in America, one that pays more than $8.95 per hour in minimum wage.
Actually, please list them
all - all the states that have a 'liberal' minimum wage and what that mandated minimum wage is (before the taxes that are levied upon it, that the working poor pay, of course...)
And then, let's ask whether anyone is ever lifted out of poverty by the minimum wage - or whether it's just a way to make people feel they are advancing economically, when in fact... they are only led to believe that they are.