The last fill was not so special at 27mpg.
I understand why; son draining fuel on ground, and passenger front brake dragging but it was very disheartening.
But realize any who do happen to read this, That is still 3mpg better than the car used to make with no issues.
Found cause Friday for the intermittant brakes dragging issue.
Ive replaced everything except front brakelines on this thing in the last 6 months and burned through 5 sets of brake pads up front.
Engine vaccume is pulling down brake booster applying the brakes.
The sping inside booster should stop this from happening but doesnt and this is the brand new replacement booster.
I found a little plug device with an adjustment inside the booster that I adjusted in.
This piece pushed in the piston that is the valve of the master cylinder.
In addition I also changed the PCV even though the other was good.
Results seem to be good except for shudder while driving now from warped rotors.
They became so hot from self application that they both warped, this is the third used set of these.
Ive never seen an adjustment plunger in a brake booster before so cant tell you if other cars have this item.
KIA is strange and doesnt make sense alot of times.
So ill replace the rotors and get a new baseline mpg.
ps. In progressive column I have passenger side skirt on it now.
Last edited by justme1969; 01-21-2013 at 08:31 AM..