Originally Posted by BamZipPow
Welcome to the forums! Post up some piccies and specs on yer current truck (engine size, type of transmission, etc).
Have you looked into gitting and OBDII scanner like an Ultragauge, Scangauge II, or one of the bluetooth/wi-fi based ELM327 readers that you can find on eBay fer cheap? Yer Mazda should be OBDII compliant...
How many batteries do you carry on average? Have you beefed up the rear springs at all?
Have you checked out any of the aero cap threads? 
Thanks for the warm welcome! Seems like a very active site, I have a lot of learning to do here
Will post up pics of the truck once shes cleaned up, got it with some scratches on it and wetsanded it back to pretty good shape (almost all the scratches came out - thank goodness for single stage paint) but have yet to buff it smooth and wax it. Shes not too pretty right now... but she drives great
2.3L 4 cylinder with 5 speed manual w/OD. OD is something like a .76 ratio so its quite an overdrive, which is great for MPG.
I have looked into the MPG software, glossed over it on my post but I will be adding that around stage 1 or 2. I plan on modding it in stages to make it a little easier for me, Ill order parts then install everything for "stage 1" at one time. Otherwise I think it might get overwhelming.
I carry no more than 10 batteries at one time. Rear isnt suffering, havent beefed up the springs and doesnt seem like I will need to. Bed can easily carry 10 batteries, and I have my workhorse 5.7L box truck for hauling the pallets of batteries or other bulk quantities.
Was reading through some aero cap threads when I got an email that this thread was replied to
I do plan on moving or removing the toolchest. I do use it, but dont need to use it - batteries would be fine to sit in the bed, I dont leave the truck unattended when loaded so theft is not a concern. My aero cap build I plan on doing some nifty storage innovations, so I can load batteries into the cap from the side.
Spare tire is already sitting on the side of my house, some free weight savings right there

Ive got AAA towing after all