Originally Posted by Tesla
Thought you might say that, I am still evaluating it,
If I can keep it simple & cheap it may have some aero benefit along with the utility aspect.
But the main problem I see, outside of imperfect aero is by angling up it already draws attention and if it looks NQR then it will be a red flag for the boys in blue.
A custom built unit, done well, will just look like a cute teardrop camper at first glance, so may need to think about planning in some flush mount windows/access hatches to complete the image.
I you can keep it in the wake,and it doesn't protrude out into the unmolested flow,it will probably be a wash.
Any kind of body structure will keep the elements and eyeballs off your belongings.And if the constabulary takes a dim view of 'Eigenbau' road gear,maybe its best to grab whatever 'production' pieces you can find for the build.
PS If curious about performance,a flat-black construction,with proper lighting,and tested only after dark,can yield some useful mpg numbers.