Originally Posted by MetroMPG
MPGuino and driving technique will get you well over what you're getting now.
I see a few "70 mph" and "mountain" references in your fuel log. 70 is going to hurt for sure. <link snipped so that I can post>
Mountains can too, depending on the driver.
Welcome to the forum!
Speed is worth it when time is at a premium (doing 75 has saved me >$160 when time is of the essence,) but I usually drive 55 on the highway, DWB when possible, EOC for 2-6 miles on a 30 mile round trip, use the DFCO on the engine when I can't EOC to a stop, and run my tires at a high pressure (max sidewall or 10 PSI from it depending on which gauge I use.) The lowest MPG I got was on the FSP benchmark as I call it, before I fixed some issues I got 16 MPG on it.
Two thirds of my route has the behavior of city traffic, the rest has the behavior of bad city traffic. I need to do a WAI because during the summer I was seeing 38 mpg with the AC running (it was 110 outside.)