Originally Posted by UFO
I do not believe this is an IDI, the TD engines like the AAZ are direct injected and would suffer using vegetable oil. A far better fossil-free fuel is biodiesel, I have been burning B100 in my direct injected diesels since 2007. I even get better mileage on it and blends than straight diesel.
I think I am wrong, the AAZ is indiect, which makes it more tolerant of vegetable oil. To me, this would only make sense on long commutes or trips where you can keep the engine hot for long periods of time as vegetable oil needs more heat than diesel or biodiesel to completely combust.
The AAZ appears to be IDI lump according to everything I can find on line- certainly the mechanical fuel pump and lack of sensors etc suggest its not advanced enough to have DI
There also appears to be many folk running the AAZ on various concentrations of veg oil without issues.
It'd be my intention to start off at 10% veg (so 5L veg to 45L diesel) and gradually increase-keeping an eye on filters/engine oil etc
As you rightly point out, the oil does need more heat for combustion, and I'm lucky in so far as I have a 34 mile commute, so plenty time to keep the heat up. Also, my mods (grill block etc) would be geared to retaining heat in the engine compartment
thanks for your concern- plenty to think about