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Old 01-25-2013, 01:04 AM   #66 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by razor02097 View Post
  1. Starter failure or battery almost dead? You can bump start it and be on your way.
  2. Most people will not ask to borrow your car.
  3. Coasting or decelerating especially down a hill is completely controlled by you (auto transmission are pretty smart but are no match for a manual)
  4. It impresses girls. Especially ones that don't actually know how to drive a manual. I've been asked things like "how do you know when to shift?" and "How did you do that?" (no handbrake hill start)
I've already had some starter failures in a Pontiac Trans Sport with an A/T, and it really sucks. No wonder an uncle of mine once converted an old Trans Sport to M/T.

About hill starts without handbrake: in some cars the position of the pedals is not so favorable to that
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