Originally Posted by plasticuser
I just approached the same issue in a different may in my F150 aerocap thread.
My approach is, does shielding the differential cause an unsafe rise in temperatures, and how can I manage the airflow around the diff to increase streamlining and give a clean airflow out the back?
Since we're basically asking the same question, but you're approaching it from a more technical view, maybe the conversation should be here?
I think all the fundamental mechanical aspects take first priority, so diff & transmission cooling are higher up the list than aerodynamics, but with these resolved then the question is how to best approach the undercarriage airflow.
I could not/would not do a full cover belly pan, I have live (solid) axles, so articulation is always going to be a problem, I have done front from bullbar (pushbar) to front axle, then will do the sides (done partial there already) between axles, then from rear axle back, so I will be left with the two axle gaps and the centre tunnel gap, this should be plenty of exposure for transmission and diff cooling.