Results of Austin Trip (not scientific)
Trip to Austin
Miles driven = 151
Roads = Freeway 20% Rural Highway 80%
Winds = NW 15mph headwind
Elevation = net +440 ft
Average speed = 65-70mph
MPG = 18.1
I tried to stay 5mph under the speed limit but the average posted speed limit on the trip was between 70 and 75 mph and I could see the fuel economy was really taking a hit especially with a 15mph head wind
Trip back from Austin
Miles driven = 154
Roads = Freeway 20% Rural Highway 80%
Winds = SE 15mph headwind
Elevation = net -440 ft
Average speed = 62mph
MPG = 19.1
On the trip back I set the cruise control to 62mph using the GPS for my speed
I again had a 15mph headwind (just cant catch a break) my average for the weekend ended up being 18.6, I expected more but head winds on both trips really screwed me but setting the cruise to 62mph helped on the return trip.
I was worried that going so far under the speed limit would upset other drivers but I had no Road Ragers in fact on the smaller 2 lane highways I would just pull into the emergency lane to allow the fast movers to pass, almost all passers waved or flashed there lights in thanks.