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Old 06-16-2008, 07:56 PM   #3 (permalink)
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how 'bout those 1980s subes?
Your experience is the polar opposite of mine.

198? subaru wagon, like the loyale style, but before the loyale name was used. parttime 4wd, carb.

* camshaft oil seals leaked.
*rocker arm cover gaskets leaked.
* timing belt broke 3 times on the side that drives the oil pump(using OE subaru belts).
*rear wheel bearings wore out. Replacing them means an arbor press. The new bearings also started makeing noise later.
*car would die for no know reason at random, just driving at a steady speed in the street. After 10 minutes it would restart.
*rust from the exhaust system would come up the intake air preheat hose, and get all over the air filter.
*body rusted out.
*plastic hoses in the engine compartment broke like glass when I had to remove them to do work on the motor.
* A hidden vacuum line rubber hose cracked where it pushed onto a fitting. Made the car lose power at highway speeds. Pumping the gas constantly was the way to keep the car going. The crack was on the underside of the hose, so I could not see it.
*A piece of sound insulating fluff inside the defroster duct came loose and clogged the defroster duct on the drivers side. In winter.
*Getting to the defroster duct requiers removing the entire dashboard in one piece.
*That means removing the steering wheel as well.
*Radiator fan bearing wore out. Made loud squealing nose whenever fan was on.
*cv joint boots cracked.
*front brake rotors are held on by the half-shaft nut. That nut has a split washer under it that is cone shaped. It is impossible to get that washer out. There are also un-needed heavy press fits where sane auto makers have free or slip fits.
*front brake calipers have the parking brake built into them. Getting them apart for rebuilding them is a nightmare, so much so that I had to pay for new calipers instead of a normal car where a $10 caliper rebuild kit with all the rubber parts and 10 minutes finishes the job.
The only other mechanical thing that has beaten me in taking apart and putting together correctly in my whole life was a 3 speed schwinn rear bicycle hub. I was 12 years old when that happened.
*other stuff I have mercifully forgotten.

I gave it away to someone who had annoyed me.
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