Ok, well I should clarify the stop sign thing. I didn't mean just blow through it. I always put on the brakes and slow down, but unlike a car I don't actually come to a full stop, even less if there is no one waiting. The only time I come to a full stop is if there is a line of cars behind me and I can safely pull over and let them all pass. I know we have similar rights to the road, but that doesn't mean I like 10 cars passing me at 45mph less then 1 foot away (yes, most pass me with almost no room for my left shoulder to move out of line).
Also, I agree with the fact to ride to the front of the line. I know many people who do this and I do it too, sometimes, however, if there is a long line just sitting at a light I don't do it because then they just have to pass me again which is very nerve racking. I do it in traffic though, if they are all just stopped for no good reason then I pass right by, but otherwise I try to obey the laws like every car on the road and it's earned me enough respect so far to not be run over.
I agree with you on stoping at lights between cars. I usually will pull off to the side and wait behind the car that was in front of me at lights. I don't like pulling to the front for the aforementioned reasons, but at the same time I don't want to be crushed so I usually just pull up behind the car in front of me, as far over to the side as I feel comfortable, and if there is a raised curb I pull up to that so I don't have to get off my saddle.
Great suggestions though guys, it's interesting to hear people's thoughts on these things because I think it really just varies from region to region and the riding conditions, but in general I think you guys are all correct in your own circumstances.