part numbers = good

Specific filter designs = good, if someone wants to put up the next strawman for these things, please do. I'd love to be able to focus solely on the code for a bit but want the hardware settled as soon as possible, with due stewardship for other peoples money of course.
if we go the opto route, which we may based on the applause meter, I would like to see a cheap dual opto package (< $1.00) that is available from the major distributors (digikey/mouser). I did not see one at the shack on the way home though, so we will be cutting into the "instant gratification" crowd a bit if we do go that route.
re LM2490, only concern is mouser doesn't have it. So our sourcing options get more limited. It wasn't immediatly obvious what it had over the 7805 to me, if someone can educate there. If the costs for bulletproofing the power supply are in the $3.00 range, I can probably be happy with that.
re: Linus, yah, right!
Edit: through hole only please, we scare a lot of folks off with the SMD stuff.