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Old 02-01-2013, 07:09 PM   #36 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by War_Wagon View Post
Ok maybe not an eco-car exactly, but it kind of is, and it is such a weird combo that I had to put it up. Any of the following options are not really rare on their own, but I have never seen them all in one place before.

Full load Yukon with leather (no big deal). 2 door (hard to find, up here anyway), 4x4, barn doors in the back (now THAT'S hard to find lol). And it's a diesel!! (I have only ever seen a few diesels in these trucks ever up here) This thing must have been a special order, it's too weird to be naturally occurring. If it isn't a special order, then a room full of monkeys with typewriters somewhere just finished writing Hamlet. If I had the space/facilities/time to make biodiesel, I would have bought this thing on sight.

These rigs, altough usually bashed for being gas-guzzlers (ironically even their Diesel versions are often called so), are an interesting alternative as an "environmental" vehicle. Diesels doesn't require spark plugs to be changed so often, and either a set of glowplugs or a grid-heater lasts longer than spark plugs, and are also easier to use alternative fuels. But if I'd get one of those I'd consider to replace the stock engine for one fitted with direct injection, such as the Cummins 4BT, since it can be worked around to run even on pure ethanol (what seems impossible to do with an indirect-injection Diesel).
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