Originally Posted by mort
For rocketry the specific impulse is often specified. In the wikipedia article you will find this interesting statement:
This is where the misunderstanding lies. The wikipedia article talks about the velocity of the exhaust in relation to the rocket. Not its velocity in relation to anything else. I'm still waiting for an explanation of what reference you would use to measure exhaust velocity.
There is no air for the rocket to push against in space. At full thrust, at whatever velocity (even zero), the expelled exhaust is moving away from the nozzle faster than whatever exhaust comes after it. So the exhaust can't even
push against itself.
Originally Posted by mort
is stupid. Does regenerative braking imply perpetual motion? From looking at the Maxwell's equations basis of the theory it looks like their power efficiency is below 10%
Regenerative brakes need a medium to push against. And unless you're braking into the solar wind, that won't work (in spaaaaaaace).