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Old 02-05-2013, 02:04 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by type-S EF awd View Post
I know its a bit late now, but for your VSS you could just pull from the "SP" screw going to the speedometer, about 4 inches from where you mounted the MPGuino, and the injector signal at the computer so no wires go through the firewall. I am actually using unused traces and the seat belt light so everything uses the factory cluster plugs (even my remote located buttons)

But I am cheep and made mine from a knock off uno, making the build total about $25 after all the connectors, headers, resistors, switches ect.

P.S. I am partly still in the Honda tuner world, its not sacrilidge (most put in additional tach's anyway), it had to be done, but the metal cap there is for RFI shielding, and you might want to patch it with some metal if you ever have it apart again, what I did was threw the cap away and wraped it in aluminum tape. But at the same time, I do abide by the "If it 'aint broke, don't fix it", so if you have no problems, i'd leave it.
Ah! Good stuff! Wish I knew that beforehand. haha It's still working fine although I dont think heat is an issue as I thought before. When it's cold out, the LCD refreshes slowly so I know its not creating any heat. Thanks for the advice though!

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