help with 96 Geo prizm
hello to everyone, Im brand new to signing up but not to the forum as Ive read tons of articles here.
The reason Im posting is very simple
I have a 96 geo prizm with over 200K miles 5 speed and 1.6L and I cannot get past 34mpg in this car
In the summer with no mods I was averaging 38
I only travel 12 miles one way and leave at 1030pm
The car is fully tuned up, new cap/rotor, plugs, wires, oil and filter, air filter
The header was replaced with a stainless steel one as the original was cracked and the aftermarket was less money
I installed a vacuum gauge and at idle the engine is at a dead steady 22.5psi
I follow toyota/geos recommended shift points from the manual
The tires are all aired up to their max safe psi
I also taped off the grill and the middle part of the bumper with the very bottom still open.
I have a few mods I was waiting to do, which included changing the fuel filter, synthetic trans oil and maybe the moon discs
I do not know what else to do, but I see a few people on here with the same vehicle and either less mods or none and they are averaging 40mpg...
Any suggestions?
thank you for your help