Originally Posted by redpoint5
The American spin on the idea is to stand out near traffic, but instead of offering a good or service, just expect money for nothing.
We've become a nation of panhandlers and prostitutes...
The first step will be smarter traffic control devices. Traffic signals will be networked and a centralized management strategy will control the timing to increase flow efficiency. The existing induction sensors in the road will monitor traffic volume and the system will get "smarter" and begin altering timing to further increase efficiency.
It won't help much if the light turns green and the semi-comatose driver at the head of the line sits there until the light turns red again. Or, as usually happens, eventually when he awakens HE gets through the light, but no one else does.
Beyond this, cars will drive themselves and coordinate movement to maximize safety and efficiency. This will greatly increase efficiency as the current behavior of drivers constantly changing lanes is inefficient and slows everyone down.
That takes what little fun out of driving there is. At that point we aren't really driving any more, if the car is doing the driving. Might as well take the bus. The only difference is that you won't be forced to sit next to rabble or wait for the bus to come.
Very good suggestion. I don't know why everyone works 8am-5pm. Most office work doesn't even require people to commute, and doesn't demand that people arrive all at the same time. This old habit will have to change.
We thought it would change with the advent of the web with the capability of more people working in cyberspace. It hasn't happened. Bosses like dominating their employees in person. Also people like being crowded into close proximity with each other. Misery loves company...