2wd Durango Thoughts?
So we bought a 2000 2wd Durango (not for the mpg, but we liked the ride and build quality, and we'll be needing more seats soon) but I think this could be a fun challenge, or just frustrating, So tell me what you think about this:
First, an air-dam made of 4" garden trimming
Second, Airtabs or some sort of vortex generators
Third, some sort of flare to keep air from hitting the front tires (they stick out a bit)
Fourth, a plastic body-pan thing underneath most of the vehicle
Fifth, Lowering (maybe 2 rear and 1 front?)
I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with these SUVs, because at first glance, they don't seem to be the least aerodynamically efficient vehicles, and yet the MPGs is terrible! So I wonder if I can hope for any gains at all with aero mods, or if I should just go with something more ambitious like:
Sixth: Engine swap (maybe a 3.3 or 3.9 cummins, with the right drivetrain)
Any thoughts would be appreciated.