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Old 02-08-2013, 06:18 PM   #1 (permalink)
sheepdog 44
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Salt Lake valley Utah
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Fantastic commute Stormagedon 2013

I just passed 50 cars in a 1 litre 67hp tin can on 55psi skinny Lrr tires! I have 20miles to get home with very few passing spots. The roads have good traction, but it's snowing like crazy out, and people are doing 35-40 in 55mph zones for long stretches. The first three mile hill i'm doing 55mph (the speed limit) and all 20 or so vehicles are crammed in the right hand lane following two large plows and a tanker. I cruise by all of them in the empty passing lane. Once i descend the hill i see 10 vehicles doing 40 in a 55mph. Theres a dotted passing section, so i stagger my speed to hit them at that spot. I look in the oncoming lane and its empty, a miracle! And use my momentum and pass them all in an easy stretch. AWD trucks, subaru's, sportscars, snowtires, everything got left in the dust by a eco car driving the speed limit! I've never made such excellent time in a snowstorm, and i only got 58.5mpg for my trouble.

People in Massachusetts, seriously need to learn how to drive in the snow.

I try to be helpful. I'm not an expert.
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