So after a seeing Vman455's grille blocks and general ecomodding awesomeness I felt inspired to progress my grille block. I had the upper grille and hood-to-grille space blocked off with duct-tape covered styrofoam and that has held up fine for a couple years now. So I used some of that foam similar to the pool noodle stuff but this came in a sheet form initially intended for an in-window air conditioner. It's about 1/2" thick. I cut out the shape and wrapped it in some duct tape and then black electrical tape. It's just wedged into the grille - no fasteners. See pictures below for the results.

Before Block

After Block
There's a 6" x 2" gap left below the license plate. Any comments on if that should be enough airflow to prevent overheating? Temps right now are in the low 30s to high 40s - but with high humidity. Seems the car never warmed up all the way until about 5 miles into a drive.