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Old 02-10-2013, 07:31 PM   #5 (permalink)
The brake pedal is evil
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Arizona
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Denny's Detector - '08 Mercury Grand Marquis

Taserface - '17 Chevy Volt
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The problem with bypassing the thermostat is that the engine's efficiency goes through the floor when cold. The end result of this coolant temperature micromanagement system would be that there would a drop in efficiency if it was to drop the coolant temperatures by any meaningful amount, so much so that any gains from drag reduction with the grill fully closed would be lost ten fold.
Coolant reservoirs don't have the contents circulated through the coolant system, it is merely draw upon when the system cools down and has fluid pushed into it when the system heats up (minimal amount, 100 ml on my Geo Prizm.)
What you plan to do is about as useful as an exhaust turbine driven alternator (read: unicorn corral material.)
Getting sensor data off of a pre OBDII Toyota ECU via TDCL.
All of this is on E10: Project E is my current focus.

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