Originally Posted by bestclimb
This would not be regenerating anything. Some aero friction replaces brake friction. Aerodynamic braking is really only needed if you need more braking than traction allows.
That's kinda what I was thinking - not really regenerative braking so much, but more "braking assist".
Although I do love the idea of aerodynamic braking to save wear on the brake pads. Some of the hills we encounter here in the Sierras are so steep you either have to brake or come down them at 80 or 90 mph - even when revving the piss out of the engine because you've already downshifted.
I can't think of any "neat & streamlined" way to do it, but I still keep thinking some sort of a "deployable wind turbine" hooked to an alternator might actually do regenerative braking coming down these long, steep grades. Too "Wylie E. Coyote", I'm afraid, though.