Update: On the way to work, my trip meter clocked 24.2 miles. My average when I was using the old method (w/o the kill switch) was 22.7 miles. So I "gained" 1.5 miles (6%). I also checked myself with some mile markers on a speedometer course check that's on my way to work (I think the local Army base set them up). Over the 5 mile course I was within 0.1 miles (2%). Previously, I would "lose" ~0.5 miles or so.
So it seems to be working!
Diesel Dave
My version of energy storage is called "momentum".
My version of regenerative braking is called "bump starting".
1 Year Avg (Every Mile Traveled) = 47.8 mpg
BEST TANK: 2,009.6 mi on 35 gal (57.42 mpg): http://ecomodder.com/forum/showthrea...5-a-26259.html