Surprised you retired the truck.

Did the economics not work out from something unexpected, or do you just have a much better project in mind? It seems like such a winner would still be in operation is all...
For your "next project" concerning IP protection and all that, consider seriously trade dress protection... patenting is difficult (and expensive, and it's not like nobody has never designed an aero truck before), "first to market" without protection still gets ripped off by the big boys within months in most markets, but trade dress lets you protect a given shape and something too close to it is considered in violation. It's intended to prevent "confusingly similar" shapes, examples might be the iconic shape of certain liquor bottles, or shampoos which might be associated with one brand or another, i'm not positive but I thought the shapes of cars tend to often have this protection hence why they have to be licensed to appear in video games and such now.
Did you ever have a realtime MPG figure of running at 40mph for comparison, or 70mph with the same mods? Since you have the only example of an aeromodded semi that I know of i'm curious whether it follows the general formulas used for smaller trucks and cars.