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Old 02-20-2013, 03:08 AM   #130 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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1. Our stick is 6500mAh when new, which is no less than your capacity.
2. Our IR is less than 8m omh, normally 7.5m omh, compared with original about 6.5m omh.
Both feature is no worse than yours, remember we are very close and familiar with your supplier, we know each other well. And please allow me to explain some of the concern that you have mentioned:
As hybrid level battery, capacity is not main concern when it reachs a figure, that is why some claimed 10000mAh capacity is even not a advantage, but a disadvantage, when you make the battery to a much higher capacity, the separator of the battery should be make really thin, the biggest problem of thin separator is the bad function in high rate current discharge, it may be destroyed when in some critical condition. So rate power is far more important than capacity, that is why Panasonic could only make around 6Ah cell as Honda hybrid battery rather than 10000mAh.
Rate power of the battery is very important for a hybrid car, which judges the ability of a car to run in tough conditions. One thing is even more important than rate power is the internal resistence, it is the biggest feature that determines the calender life of a car. Japanese battery manufacturers are doing really good by using full automatic high-tech machines to keep IR really low. As a Chinese supplier, our technique is mostly from Japan but we could not exceed them for many reasons. The lowest IR we could reach is around 6.9m omh, mostly around 7.2m omh to 7.6m omh. We have tested another supplier's battery from China, their IR is bigger than 24m omh, which is too far away from reasonable data.

It is really hard for me to explain techniquely for my bad English, if anyone has any doubt, I would be glad to answer any question if you don't mind to read my bad written English.
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