Well when I was typing in motorcycle thumbprint and (any state) it seemed to show text concerning every single page says "provide a photo and thumb print" at least in the text below the link on google, though I often couldn't find it on the linked page so it left me confused. Someone in texas told me that they've been thumbprinting general drivers licenses since the 90's, and trying to roll it out in other states so I wasn't sure if they were harassing motorcyclists, or new motorcyclists/learning permits only about this, or if it was all drivers licenses or what was going on...
I mean like case in point:
california does for mopeds/scooters
California Other Types of Motorcycles - CA Scooter & Moped Info at DMV.org: The DMV Made Simple
texas appeared to
Texas Motorcycle License - Handbooks, Requirements at DMV.org: The DMV Made Simple
How to Apply for a Motorcycle License in Connecticut | DMV
minnesota i cant find what page i saw saying that i had to, but i know i read it, same with north dakota, south dakota and wisconson when i checked.
Every state i was googling seemed to imply its just the new thing.