Hey mechman,
I have a couple of questions about your motor. I think I might have a line on a pair of these same motors. Were there any other numbers on the data plate on your motor other than the MVX-4003? Is yours rated for 72 volts, or is it 36 volts and you are running it at 72v? In one of your later posts, you say the size is 6.5"x18" but in an early post you said it was 7.5" dia. Is the later one the actual dimensions? Is the 18" overall or case length? The ones I looked at appeared to be 6.5" dia. and quite long but I didn't have a chance to measure them. If these are the same motor, your conversion gives me a pretty good idea of how it would perform. Would you use that motor again if you could use it with a proper sepex controller?
Almost all my driving is done 1-5 miles at a time.
Best short trip: 2.4 l/100 km, 3.9 km