Thread: The Scrapcento
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Old 02-25-2013, 03:35 AM   #58 (permalink)
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Thanks for the input, guys.

First of all, the sensor is in the head, so as far as I understand, thermostat is not a factor here.

Second thing is I'm betting on incorrect wiring by the mechanic. Here's why I think so:

He said he connected the gauge directly to the sensor before mounting, waited for the engine to heat up and the fan to engage, and the readings were OK. Then he proceeded to mount the sensor inside the car, tapping into the wires there. So my guess is he might have tapped into the second temp sensor (both are head-mounted), the one that feeds data to ECU. Then there's resistance and voltage drop on both of them, correct? And neither works correctly, which would explain why the fan wouldn't engage when I let the engine idle for half an hour.

Anyway I'm not sure whether the sensor-to-ECU wire goes through the passenger compartment, so my theory may be totally invalid. If you guys have any more hints on this, I'd love to read them. The car is going to return to the mechanic, but no sooner than in 3 or 4 weeks as I'm going abroad again.

The Scrapcento thread
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