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Old 02-26-2013, 01:08 AM   #33 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Carson City, Nevada
Posts: 612

Jimmy - '00 GMC Jimmy SLT
90 day: 21.18 mpg (US)

The White Gnat - '99 Suzuki Swift
Team Suzuki
90 day: 51.87 mpg (US)
Thanks: 240
Thanked 114 Times in 90 Posts
LOL - tazer hooked to the brake pedal!! Love it!! Seriously though, dunno how hard or easy it would be, but if you could install a red bulb somewhere in front of you, in your normal field of view, wired into your brake lights. That way, whenever you step on the brakes, you'll see a big red "warning light". For fun, you could even label it "Wasting Gas" or something. One person on here has in his signature, "The brake is not my friend - the brake is not my friend - the brake is not my friend -" Personally, I really like that one!!!

Your grille block plans sound good. One on each side with an open center section should work well. Then monitor your temperature & see how it does. If it gets hot, you can trim them down, but if it stays as cool as ever (and it just might), you could consider using larger ones, or maybe installing a center one with the louvers you're thinking about. What I would think might be "trick" is to have it arranged so you can have more complete block for cooler weather, but with a removable section for when it starts climbing towards those 90's and 100 degree days. Several ways to do it - duct tape over slots or holes that can be ripped off would be the "redneck" way to do it. Or to make it a bit more elegant, you could have a removable section held on with Velcro like MetroMPG does on his BlackFly - maybe the louvered center section.

Good to see you're using your ScanGauge. . . those things really show a lot of information. I also didn't find the "Lod" function to be that useful, either. Does your 27 mph average speed include all your stops, or is it only during the time you're moving? Wow, I really hate to think about all the idling you're doing. That's gotta be killing your average. But then, I "get it" regarding wanting to save your starter. Guess that's just the price you pay for being a delivery man, eh? But like someone already mentioned, I'd be really surprised if you could get 25 mpg in that thing without turning the engine off more. . . "idling = zero mpg".

Last edited by wmjinman; 02-26-2013 at 01:17 AM..
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