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Old 02-28-2013, 08:10 PM   #21 (permalink)
Aerodynamics rules
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''Viturro, the high pressure low pressure thing with velocity phrase is taken from the what makes airplanes fly rule book.'' That's the old concept of why airplanes fly.
''Wasn't the N.A.S.A. the ones that say that the air planes didn't fly because of Venturi effect, they fly because the wings send the air below it?'' with Venturi effect i mean the pressure things :P, and with ''they fly because the wings send the air below it'' i mean that depending on the volume/amount/weight and the distance that the air is deflected from his ''natural'' position there is a force that counteracts making the plane fly, no pressure things matter.

my dad's car (passat b5.5 2004) have that kind of naca duct on it's flat underbody

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