Well the one thing I cant do is a full racing tuck, hurts my wrists too much, so that limits me to the ninja 250, standards, and cruisers. I just dont have alot of confidence about my ability to aeromod a cycle is all.
The main point of my post (which I don't know if I got answered at all yet :-/ not to gripe it's just to reiterate my question) is where the crossover points are as far as mileage at a given engine stress. I might be able to aeromod a 125cc then regear it for instance, but i'm still trying to find more detail about (for comparison) what unmodded speed the 125cc becomes less efficient than the less stressed 250cc. As near as I can tell the mileage for bikes is just a city cycle, and I keep reading bike tests of a small cc bike supposed to get 115mpg testing at 60mpg and similar so it's frustratingly hard to find real world numbers.
What i'm really looking for is speed to mpg charts for any low CC bikes. There is a car thread here with people helpfully posting their results, showing some interesting variances between different cars. (including some that drop pretty drastically at faster speeds for instance) I'd love to see that for 50cc, 125cc, 250cc common motorcycles. Where is the 'knee' where it drops like a stone from overloading?
Last edited by stillsearching; 03-01-2013 at 04:27 AM..