Originally Posted by mechman600
I almost bought a Kelly "sepex" controller. The " " is because it really isn't a real sepex controller. Notice that on their ordering screen you specify what field voltage you want. The controller gives the field this voltage whenever the throttle is depressed and does not vary it like a proper sepex controller.
I was curious about this so I emailed Kelly. They verified that that is the way their HSE controller works (and that's the high power one) but their KDZ controller is available with a current tracking function on the field. The field current varies with armature current, much like what you are doing with your two controllers. Thought it might be worth noting, although they are relatively low power controllers as well and they didn't specify what the max field current was.
Hey, is your motor fairly quiet or does it whine? I ran this forklift that has the motors in it and it had a really loud high pitched whine. I couldn't really tell where it was coming from so it may have been the controllers or brakes and I didn't have time to investigate. It sounded like controller noise, (wouldn't be using those anyway) but I know I wouldn't want that whine in a car, it would drive me nuts.
Almost all my driving is done 1-5 miles at a time.
Best short trip: 2.4 l/100 km, 3.9 km