This Generation-II 'Template' was 'built' from a different L/D= 2.5 streamline body of revolution.I've identified it's source within the image.
*As a 'free-air' body,it would have Cd 0.04
*As a half-body in mirror-image ground proximity it would have Cd 0.08.
*Adding wheels would bump it up to around Cd 0.13
*Adding wheel fairings would lower the Cd.
*I'll show it as a full half-body with 'full' nose.
*And as a 'Template' with shortened nose.I added an extra side window to help distinguish it from the Gen-I 'Template.'
*As a 'Template' it is intended as an aid for separation-free aft-body streamlining only.
*From Hucho,"...the shape of a body in front of the largest cross-section has only minor influence on the total drag.The main contributions to the drag force originate from the rear part of the body.It is not important to find a proper shape to divide the oncoming flow but it is very important to design a rear body surface which brings the divided streamlines smoothly together.
...low drag can only be achieved when the separation at the rear is eliminated.
Shapes of this kind are aerofoils and 'streamlined' bodies."