Congrats on the purchase. I'm thinking perhaps better engine mounts and shifter bushings will cure the shifter, but hell... poor shift action is the bane of cheap cars everywhere.
Now it's time to get hypermiling. Show those nannies at the EPA what a Spark can really do.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
Unless for the brakes, issue that an engine-braking device could easily overcome as it does in heavy-duty trucks, a Diesel still lasts longer than a Prius 
Old diesels, maybe, with their half-million mile rebuild intervals. But would you really trust a modern direct injection system to last more than 200,000 miles nowadays without needing thousands of dollars in injector and pump repair? I wouldn't. With good cause. Have seen too many secondhand direct injection cars laid up in the shop for one problem or another.