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Old 06-18-2008, 01:03 PM   #6 (permalink)
Sean T.
EcoMod Wannabe
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Lake Orion, MI
Posts: 448

Taurusaurus Rex - '97 Ford Taurus GL (Sedan)
90 day: 19.39 mpg (US)

Blue Wagon - '00 Ford Taurus Wagon SE Comfort
90 day: 19.61 mpg (US)
Thanks: 6
Thanked 18 Times in 11 Posts
Yeah, I've heard that too, about it being the most aerodynamic ford sedan. It makes things a little brighter to know that

As for the window visors, in an effort to save gas I leave my windows partially down at all times when the car is parked to keep it cool and hardly ever use the A/c... so I need to have those on in case it rains... I figure the cost of more wind resistance is less than the cost of gas my A/C would suck up.

As for lowering my car, I already bottom out on some speed bumps and dirt roads... My car may seem higher than most, but I think it has quite a low ground clearance. So, it can't really be lowered much more.
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