Originally Posted by jayliu1984
Sorry guys I guess I didn't give enough info, but here are the things I checked/done in bullet form:
- auto trans and yes I was coasting in gear
- tires are pumped 5-6 PSI above rated pressure (38psi)
- outside temp is about 2-5 C
- communte is 6km, and 9 possible red lights/stop sighs
- check brake by drove without breaking for a while and the rotor is cold so it is not dragging
- not sure how to check if E-brake is dragging
- not sure how to check alignment, the car has 50k KM on it and no tire change
- just switched to synthetic oil so far didn't obvserve any difference
- anchor in the trunk???? what???
- the front wheel is quite difficult to turn when I jack the car up, but let's assume brake is not dragging, what else could be the cause?
However, I must add, if I put the car in neutual physically, it will coast farrrrrrrrrrrrr.....
if it coasts far in neutral than simply put you have a lot of gear reduction and its up to you to figure if its better to use dfco or to coast in Neutral. and anchor in the trunk as items you dont need in the car that are