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Old 03-06-2013, 07:37 AM   #6028 (permalink)
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Ya, the milled pcb had some issues. It's not as reliable as the power board from an actual pcb house, with the solder mask. The problem is, the new power board has only 3 holes for M-, and the bus bar pads are 5/8" instead of the previous 3/4". It's not very compatible.

You don't need the copper islands. You only need to solder the mosfet gate leg directly to a gate resistor. You could just feed the resistor leg through the tiny hole, and then solder them together. But it's concerning why they are blowing up in the first place. For some reason, before they had blown up, at least one had failed shorted. I would also replace the MIC4451 (the driver on the control board).
kits and boards
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