Double post.

I took the document at the link, the Introduction to Inventions, and ran it through OSX Summarize. Here is the single most relevant sentence:
I saw that there was nothing to stop me from studying -- hopefully to discover, comprehend, and eventually employ design-wise -- the integrated total family of generalized principles by which nature operates this magnificent, human-passengered, spherical spaceship as entirely enclosed within an external set of physically unique, spherically concentric environmental zones altogether producing the critically complex balance of intertransformative energy conditions essential to maintaining an omniregenerative planetary ecology -- all accomplished in local Universe support of eternally omni-interregenerative Universe itself by means of planet Earth's syntropic, biochemical capability to photosynthetically convert stellar radiation (primarily that of the Sun) into hydrocarbon-structured vegetation that in turn is converted as "food" into all manner of biological proliferatings, ultimately after aeons of enormous heat and pressure treatment produced by deep-Earth burial -- to be converted into fossil fuels.
He did love his run-on verbosity. Here is the single most relevant paragraph:
I hope this book will prove to be an encouraging example of what the little, average human being can do if you have absolute faith in the eternal cosmic intelligence we call God.
Not to offend the atheists, look carefully at his wording.