Back from the sand blasters. I thought they did a pretty good job overall with the chassis it cleaned up real nice actually. Well worth the $200.00 blasting cost. They were done the same day in fact so that saved me in trailer rental fees which for 1 day came out to $29.95. This also saved me a great deal of time and headache trying to do the blasting myself. I also paid my friend $25.00 for his time helping me out for a grand total of $254.95 for the day. I bought $30.00 worth of primer yesterday and was able to coat the entire chassis and shock towers with it.
So to recap total costs for the chassis to this point.
#1. Chassis $500-$300 = $200.00
#2. Blasting = $254.95
#3. Primer = $30.00
Total so far minus paint = $484.95