Here's the best teardrop graph I've got, so far.
- t goes from 0 to 2*pi in 1/32 increments
Note: sin^m(t/2) is (sin(t/2))^m
I just noticed the original teardrop graph has the y-axis scaled smaller than the x-axis scale. In other words, 0 to 1 on the x-axis measures 1-7/8" and 0 to 1 on the y-axis measures 1-1/8". The proportions may improve if I change the y-axis.
Which I did: Middle graph.
Then I re-scaled the y-axis on the m = 2 graph, which corresponds with the yellow line in the original: 3rd graph.
... m = 3 graph, outermost green line on original graph: 4th graph.