Originally Posted by Shortie771
That is a very good question. Hadn't thought about that. Well, I tested a cylinder and this is what I came up with... I wasn't sure which way to test it, so I did both.
Cd of 1.06 on the left and 1.10 on the right.

The circular cylinder,in free flight,away from ground proximity,and at supercritical Reynolds number would be Cd 0.82.
In ground proximity,with acceptable ground clearance,the cylinder would have Cd 0.81.
For the sphere,in free flight,the drag,below critical Reynolds number would be Cd 0.47,above critical Reynolds number the drag could be as low as Cd 0.09.Sphere drag is very much Reynolds number dependent.
The sphere,in ground proximity,with acceptable ground clearance would have Cd 0.94-0.18.