Originally Posted by orangustang
Update regarding the IE bug: I haven't gotten around to really looking at it much. I have identified one problem, though there may be more, but I haven't really begun looking for a solution yet. I haven't forgotten you and other IE users, I just have a lot on my plate at the moment.
Not a problem, life gets busy at times. Take all the time you need, thanks for the effort and work you have already put forward
As for the kammback, I will take the advice and edit the kammback when I get some free time. Hopefully that will help. Even if the Cd isn't correct, at least I have a baseline of what the program says my car is and I can judge off of that to decrease it. Even if its off, hopefully I can get a decent idea of the kammback design I will go with eventually. Was looking to jedi sol to make his kammback first, but that didn't happen so I guess I will have to do it